Ghi chú Kiến_trúc_tân_cổ_điển_ở_Ba_Lan

  1. The above mentioned buildings cannot in any way be compared with what was built in Warsaw at that time, because Warsaw become the real artistic capital of Poland. Much of the artistic work done in Warsaw was thanks to the sponsorship of Stanislaus Augustus. The creative artists gathered there and the most outstanding architects of the classicist period were very active. At that time, Kraków become artistically provincial. Michał Rożek, Doris Ronowicz (1988). Cracow: a treasury of Polish culture and art. Interpress Publishers. tr. 74. ISBN 83-223-2245-3. Chú thích có tham số trống không rõ: |coauthors= (trợ giúp)
  2. John Stanley (March–June 2004). “Literary Activities and Attitudes in the Stanislavian Age in Poland (1764–1795): A Social System?”. Truy cập ngày 23 tháng 4 năm 2009.
  3. Francis W. Carter (1994). Trade and urban development in Poland: an economic geography of Cracow, from its origins to 1795 – Volume 20 of Cambridge studies in historical geography. Cambridge University Press. tr. 186, 187. ISBN 978-0-521-41239-1.
  4. Marek Kwiatkowski (1983). Stanisław August, król-architekt (Stanislaus Augustus, the king-architect). Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich. tr. 274. ISBN 83-04-00850-5. Chú thích có tham số trống không rõ: |coauthors= (trợ giúp)
  5. Jon Stewart, Jon Bartley Stewart (2003). Kierkegaard and his contemporaries: the culture of golden age Denmark. Walter de Gruyter. tr. 394. ISBN 3-11-017762-5. Chú thích có tham số trống không rõ: |coauthors= (trợ giúp)
  6. Manfred Kridl (1967). A survey of Polish literature and culture. Columbia University Press. tr. 192, 343. Chú thích có tham số trống không rõ: |coauthors= (trợ giúp)
  7. 1 2 3 4 Wojciech Słowakiewicz (2000). Wielka encyklopedia polski (bằng tiếng Ba Lan). Fogra. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 14 tháng 5 năm 2016. Chú thích có tham số trống không rõ: |coauthors= (trợ giúp)